Você me fez mãe
servindo mães que perderam bebês durante a gravidez ou infância
líderes de capítulo
nossos líderes estão aqui para servi-lo e caminhar com você na dor.
nós também somos mães enlutadas.
Bem-vindo!Meu nome é Amy Balentine.Sou um seguidor de Cristo,esposa de Adam e mãe de Teddy, Simon, Thomas, Peter e Goldie e fundador da You Made Me Mome líder do grupo do capítulo de Kansas City.Este grupo de apoio é resultado de minhas experiências com meus filhos que me fizeram mãe, mas também nosso Senhor, Jesus Cristo,que finalmente me tornou mãe.
Soue Balentine
Em outubro de 2012, dei à luz nosso primeiro filho, Theodore (Teddy) Boyd. Ele é tão maravilhoso. Em maio de 2014, dei à luz nosso segundo filho, Simon Adam, que viveu 7 dias gloriosos e 22 minutos cheios de graça. Ele morreu em 21 de maio de 2014. Simon tinha trissomia 13 completa - normalmente um diagnóstico que limita a vida. Em novembro de 2014, dei à luz nosso terceiro filho, Thomas Job. Thomas foi ficar com Nosso Senhor com 13 semanas de gestação. Eu dei à luz seu corpo por indução e pudemos ver seu corpo magnífico. Em setembro de 2015, dei à luz nosso quarto filho, Peter Simon. Ele nos traz muita alegria e felicidade. Em agosto de 2017, dei à luz nosso quinto filho, nossa primeira menina, Marigold (Goldie) Joy. Goldie acrescenta uma doçura à nossa família que não sabíamos que estávamos perdendo. Em 2020, abortei nosso sexto e sétimo filhos com 5 semanas de gestação e pensei que o crescimento de nossa família estava completo. No entanto, Deus tinha um plano diferente quando demos as boas-vindas à nossa oitava filha, Elizabeth Victoria, em agosto de 2022.
Para ler mais sobre a história da minha família, visite meu blog da famíliaou clique nos links abaixo para navegar diretamente para a história relacionada.
Tenho a honra de caminhar ao lado de cada mãe de You Made Me Mom - experimentar os vales e os altos das montanhas é um presente do Senhor. Toda a glória a Deus.
Hannah Weiland
milford, em líder do grupo
Olá! Eu sou Hannah Weiland. Sou casada com Josh e mãe do nosso doce menino, Charlie. Vivemos no norte de Indiana, onde meu marido pastoreia uma igreja e eu trabalho para uma organização missionária internacional.
Nossa jornada com a perda começou em 2014 e desde então nos despedimos cedo demais de cinco vidinhas. Sofremos perdas através de duas gestações ectópicas, cada uma com 7 semanas, e três abortos espontâneos (13 semanas, 8 semanas e 7 semanas). Nosso filho Charlie, nascido em 2015, é um presente e um milagre absoluto. Não posso dizer que era meu sonho ter um filho nesta terra, mas, meu Deus, que bênção ele é.
Ao longo destes anos de perda e luto, como pensávamos que seria a nossa família, sentimos e fomos carregados pela bondade de Deus. Embora nunca escolheríamos esse caminho, esta é a nossa história. Tenho a honra de poder caminhar ao lado de mulheres que enfrentam perdas, vendo em primeira mão como Deus usa cada parte de nossas histórias para encorajar outras pessoas e trazer-lhe glória. You Made Me Mom foi um grande presente em minha vida e estou muito grato por fazer parte desta comunidade.
Alycia Thornton
Newton Grove, líder do grupo NC
Hello! I’m Alycia Thornton, wife to Eric, and mother to Jackson. We live in Newton Grove, NC, and I’m so honored to open up my home church each month to new friends and moms.
Our son Jackson was born still on April 21, 2020 at 32 weeks. He weighed 5 pounds & .06 ounces and was 18.5 inches long. I noticed a decrease in fetal movement which prompted us to go to the hospital where we learned the heartbreaking news that our son was no longer living.
A vida de Jackson foi um presente para nossa família e principalmente para mim. Sou grata porque o Senhor me permite compartilhar nossa história com outras mães que podem passar por momentos de luto durante sua jornada materna. Estou confiante de que as mulheres que você conhecerá em You Made Me Mom irão encorajá-lo, inspirá-lo e orar por você. Desde que Jackson faleceu, Deus me abençoou colocando em minha vida mães enlutadas inspiradoras que estão caminhando ao meu lado. Eu ficaria honrado em fazer o mesmo por você.
Eric e eu somos gratos por também sermos pais de dois filhos aqui na terra. Os irmãos mais novos de Jackson - Anna Claire e Hampton - nasceram em 2021 e 2022 e enchem nossos corações de muita alegria. Trabalho para a NC State University e estou ativamente envolvido com minha igreja. Alguns dos meus hobbies favoritos incluem jardinagem, leitura, ponto cruz e passar tempo com nossa família!
Rachel Van de Burgt
barrhead, alberta, canada group leader
Hello! I’m Rachel van de Burgt. Wife to Ryan, mother of the twins Jantiena Joy & Felicia Faith and the precious baby in heaven Dominique. We live in Mellowdale, close to Barrhead (AB) Canada where my husband works at the CooP Service Center. I work as a full-time mom, writer and education consultant.
We were married for six years and with little hope of being able to have biological children. We had been waiting for adoption for two years, with no response. The day after we received a visit from the social worker we found out that I was pregnant for the first time with eight weeks of pregnancy; after this week, I had a subchorionic bleed. I was on bed rest for the entire pregnancy. At 35 weeks, our daughters were born prematurely. I had the experience of spending two and a half weeks with them in the NICU.
In April 2020, we had the joy of another pregnancy. However, on June 3, after an ultrasound, we heard the news that our little baby's heart was no longer beating. The time it took the ultrasound professional to give me the news seemed like an eternity. I could see on her face that something was going on. Hearing the news that the little heart was not beating anymore was a shock and it seemed that this could never be a reality for me. On June 21st, at home, the water broke, and then Dominique was born. He was born too soon. Only the Lord Jesus Christ can give us real comfort when we feel so powerless and weak. I also had to have a D & C. After the procedure, I prayed with my husband that the Lord would carry us as we left without our baby. Yes! God carried us in His arms, while our legs could not move. We also saw the goodness of God during Dominique’s funeral when our pastor friend and his family said this was a time of “See you later! Not goodbye! We will meet one day again!”
My heart is inclined to listen to and cry with mourning mothers. I will always be praying for pregnant mothers and for mothers who have lost their precious babies. It is a comfort to know that God is always with us. May His Grace fill us with tenderness, kindness and hope when our tears overshadow our vision of eternity. It will be an honour to walk by your side.
To read more about my family's story, visit my blog.
Megan Gamboa
kansas city group leader
megan@youmadememom.com • 832.567.4168
Hello! I am Megan. I am a follower of Jesus, wife to Joshua and mother to Marin (born 2016), Levi (born 2018) and Bennett Eleanor (born 2020). I recently left working full time in hospital as a physical therapist to be a stay at home mom. I went from gait training patients in the ICU to making PBJs and drinking cold coffee because I am busy playing with my girls. I am thrilled to be home and to help with this group as Amy takes a maternity leave.
Sara DeVoto
Following Logan's death we were excited for another child who left us at 10 weeks into pregnancy. We welcomed our 4th child into our home in 2018. We are now continuing to learn how to parent to both children on this side and the other side of heaven. In processing my grief I have found a new love of writing and speaking to other moms. You can find more of my story at my blog Behind The Willow Trees.
virtual gathering group leader
sara@youmadememom.com • 402.681.1177
I'm Sara DeVoto. My journey to parenthood started with welcoming our oldest in 2013. In 2016 we were eagerly awaiting the arrival of our 2nd child. During delivery Logan suffered an umbilical cord injury and was only able to stay on this side of heaven for 15 hours with us. One month after losing Logan I walked into a strangers home for You Made Me Mom and found a group of moms who understood and allowed me to share my grief in a space I hadn't found with other mom's.
I attended You Made Me Mom in 2018 after the loss of our son, Levi. Levi was diagnosed with trisomy 13 at 11 weeks in utero and we received the awful phrase “I am sorry but your baby is incompatible with life”. I carried Levi to 36.5 weeks and we were able to spend 22 indescribable minutes with our son. My husband and I quietly ushered Levi to the Lord. Levis life and death changed me. Grief has been my constant companion for over 4 years now. As seasons change and life shifts, I am always aware of the missing little boy at my dining table. Life feels a little too quiet and my home a little too clean. My husband and I have found peace and joy knowing that Levi is healed in heaven and we will one day join him in eternity.
Six months after Levis death, I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd baby, Bennett Eleanor. 10 weeks later, she was diagnosed with Turners syndrome, a potentially fatal diagnosis. My heart shattered into million pieces. Trusting the Lord felt dangerous and I struggled with deep anger. Walking into all the same ultrasound rooms and the same boardroom at the specialist felt cruel and too much for my heart to handle. My husband remained steadfast and trusted that we would bring this baby girl home. I carried Bennett to term and we received a normal karyotype on day 10 of her NICU stay. There are no words for the joy I felt. We brought Bennett home 15 months to the day that we left the hospital without our son.
The last 4 years have been filled with deep lows and beautiful highs. As my faith wavered, the Lord was faithful and near. I am honored for the Lord to use Levis story to help another mother who is experiencing baby or infant loss.
You can listen to my whole story on The Joyful Mourning podcast: